How Serge Benhayon supported me to develop my business

How Serge Benhayon supported me to develop my business
I first met Serge Benhayon in the summer of 2003 and knew that he had something special to offer, although I wasn’t ready to listen because it asked the all-important question of what I was doing and where I was in life – but it got me thinking. It was the next year in 2004 when a number of events that were affecting not only myself but that of my whole family, his words finally hit home. It also coincided with a stage in our family’s evolution and a recognition that we needed to take responsibility for our futures and thus make various decisions. In other words, the timing was perfect for me to spend time with someone who had something to offer and I was now ready to consider what he had to say.
I had built up a very successful insurance business with two partners, providing specialist financial products to individuals in the UK armed forces. That partnership was about to come to an end because one partner wished to retire and had persuaded the other partner to do so at the same time. The idea was to sell to a third party and on the face of it I could see merit in selling as well but something was not quite right. Even so I had no idea why I was going to spend an hour with Serge and what to say because for so long I had kept the business side of things to myself and never shared my true feelings with anyone else.
Although I didn’t realise it at the time this hour changed my life. It all made sense and whilst I don’t recall the exact words, through this reading I gained the confidence to believe in myself and know that I could make the decisions needed. I had been running the business since its inception 15 years earlier.
We meet at least twice a year and he has this amazing ability to focus right to the heart of the issues that are challenging me at that time. Every moment is a reading of the situation and he has offered the guidance that helps to make the real decisions. In time I have learnt to act with more clarity, the latest being to start to mentor and NOT control the new Managing Director.
We sat together in Vietnam and looked at a beautifully built early 20th century hotel with clearly formidable foundations and pillars holding up this grand edifice – Serge turned to me and said, and I paraphrase, ‘that it is the foundations that are what you could be talking about when you promote your business; focus on these because what you have is unique and what it can offer is because of what you have built it on – in these are the true values of the business’.
I will never forget this conversation and what he said and what he saw and what I knew is my present, my past and future for the well-being of the business, what it offers, the people that make it and my family. And I deeply value these moments because they’re life changing.