Relationship Groups, Presentations And Workshops

Relationship Groups, Presentations And Workshops
"Why have we not made laughter, joy and true love our regular and everyday relationship ‘norm’?"
Serge Benhayon An Open Letter to Humanity, p 337
Over the past few years there have been a number of groups, workshops and presentations offered on the subject of relationship – these include:
- Couples Workshop
- Dating, Relationships and Parenting Workshop
- Relationship Development Group
- Relationship Workshop
The workshops are one day events and offered once or twice a year in Australia and the UK. The Relationship Development Group is a one hour interactive presentation that commenced in February 2014. It is held after the AWT presented by ‘The College of Universal Medicine’ – a charitable institute. Generally over 200 people attend these live presentations and they are also live webcasted around the world.
Serge Benhayon is often joined by speakers from the Student Body – such as psychotherapist Jean Gamble, and relationship counsellors Annette Baker & Gabrielle Caplice who share their own experience of building a relationship based on true love, and their professional wisdom.
All relationships are an ever evolving commitment
Never settle for what you have in a relationship, always take it to a greater love.
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