Settling the body before sleep
Settling the body before sleep
"Our inability to settle reflects our inability to observe and offer space for all things to complete their cycle."
Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III, ed 1, p 84
Many people these days struggle with sleeplessness and even those that do sleep well at times wake up tired.
As we approach the end of the year and complete another cycle, we offer you the key to a good night’s rejuvenating sleep – what better present can you give yourself than that?
Settling the body before sleep
Ever had a good sleep and woken up tired? Find out about a deep settlement that’s far more regenerating than sleep.
"If you disrupt the sacredness of the repose part of the day, which is our sleep period, you guarantee disharmony and unrest, thereby bringing imbalance and no true rebuild to the quality of how you will do all that you will do and encounter thereafter. Needless to say - true quality of sleep is very important."
Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III, ed 1, p 66
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