Audio of the Month
What hurts more than the hurt?
This person did this or that and we got hurt by it. Our February 2024 Audio of the Month, reveals that the damage and hurt may be something else altogether.
The evil of tolerance
In our January 2024 Audio of the Month find out why tolerance is not the good thing that we have been sold it is, but something that is harmful.
Discover the joy of being a student of yourself
Our Audio of the Month for December 2023 presents why The Livingness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, what this means and why it is so important.
Revealing the truth and flow of magic
We have a beautiful magical Audio of the Month for November 2023. Find out why evil fears it!
Don’t blow your top, blow the model
We are super universal human beings that know no harm, so how did we get to the situation where we demand the right to abuse? Find out in our October 2023 Audio of the Month.
Our crazy stray from harmony
In our Audio of the Month for September 2023 Serge Benhayon presents the vast contrast between the magnificence of the universe we are equally a part of and the way in which humanity lives in conflict within it.
Sacredness is the responsibility for everything
Serge Benhayon describes the quality and beauty of sacredness for our Audio of the Month for August 2023 and the responsibility by which we can set the standard to live by.
The igniting fuel of purpose
Serge Benhayon presents how we are designed to have purpose in life in our Audio of the Month for July 2023.
Healing is the removal of that which you are not
In our June 2023 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the healing fact that there is nothing wrong with us.
What would the stars say about us?
We look at the grandness of our universality and how we get smashed by our out moments in this Audio of the Month for May 2023