Women – rekindling our natural rhythms
Women – rekindling our natural rhythms
"Your daily deeds and chores do not add up to your worthiness, for the loveliness was there at the birth of the day."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings and Revelations, p 539
In this short audio presentation especially recorded for women for International Women’s Day, Natalie Benhayon shares her experience of how women around the world are dealing with the same issues and how we need to work together and individually to bring about true change in order to reconnect to what is natural for us and not what society demands of us.
Women – rekindling our natural rhythms
As women underneath it all we are exactly the same, deal with the same issues and agree there needs to be a different way. That change starts with each one of us.
"Women have got to change the paradigm that says,
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings and Revelations, p 524
“we can, we can, we can do anything”, into –
“let’s honour, let’s honour, let’s honour our bodies deeply.”"
Further readings:
Esoteric Women’s Health - a great Women’s support and information website that connect women to many related sites and the free Women in Livingness Magazine which is for women by women.
Natalie Benhayon Sphere - more about Natalie
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