No longer racing against time

No longer racing against time
Reading ‘Time, Space and all of us - Time', right from the title, began to blow away the preconceived ideas I had when it came to time, something I never seemed to have enough of.
Life was busy, constantly feeling like I was racing against the clock, getting to the end of the day and feeling like I had just lived three days in one, but not achieving or getting anything done.
Time was my worst enemy, something that held me back rather than supporting me in my life.
Well, after reading the book, I have discovered that time is really my best friend, that there is a lot of it, and the space that comes once we let go of the way we think time is, how we use it, how we should use it, my life, my days are no longer filled with angst or any form of pressure. I am no longer working towards the clock, but instead I am able to have time come to me.
Time is coming to me in a way that I now stop, feel what is needed and do what is felt, creating more time and space in my day than ever before.
I am now busier than ever before, less stressed, not overwhelmed and no longer feeling frustrated with not having enough time in my day.
My days now flow, having a space that supports me to be able to do whatever is needed; not being attached to how things should look, how much I should get done in a day and letting go of any pictures I have of how I should be, look or what I should achieve, has supported me to begin to feel how life can truly be lived.
Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for sharing something so simple and yet absolutely profound.
Filed under
Time, Stress, Overwhelm, Time management