Post Natal Depression - A Health Stop
Post natal depression is nature’s way of stopping you from continuing a way of living that does not confirm and boost who you are.
This is an interesting take on depression which occurs when our expectations are not met. The way out of depression is self-care.
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression (a reframe)
This article presents the possibility that we might be depressed because we are seeing the truth of what is happening in the world. Perhaps others are not choosing to feel it and are therefore not depressed by it. Is it better to feel it or not?