Kate Burns
Kate Burns
My daughter, who is five has been blessed to experience an inspiring, beyond words, role model in Natalie Benhayon.
The first time she watched the video clip ‘Just Take The Picture’ she stated clearly and with great certainty and warmth: “That is the kind of lady I am going to grow up to be.”
"When you watch Natalie you see a woman who is tender, playful, able to move and express freely, shining with self-respect and not afraid to be sexy."
If my daughter comes back from her day at preschool or family day care and is feeling things which seem to be getting on top of her, her first ‘go to’ support is to watch ‘Just Take The Picture’, and move as she needs to, to ‘let go of the day’ and shine her full self again.
Sophie recently introduced another game in bed in the mornings related to the amazing Natalie. She would have a recent incredibly shining picture of Natalie on the Ipad, and say:
“While I’m looking at Natalie, my feet have to go under the covers to stay warm”, and she would tuck her tender little feet under the covers. The next part of the game was to turn the photo away and say: “When I’m not with Natalie, my feet don’t want to stay warm” and she would pop them out from the covers into the cold morning air.
She was showing that her feeling to stay self-caring and cherishing her preciousness was supported by the presence of a woman who has fully claimed her own self honouring and is not afraid to show it by way of example. The game was also to show me that there is plenty of scope for me to also lead by example with my own levels of self-care, and that this will support my daughter as she grows also.
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