Apparently, the Food Pyramid is making a comeback but does it meet the needs of the modern man?
Could the food pyramid actually be contributing to our ever-increasing health problems and making waistlines larger not smaller?
Gentle Breath Meditation® tips for beginners
The Gentle Breath Meditation® is very easy to do as a technique but initially you may wonder if you are doing it right or not – to help support you here are 3 tips that have worked for others.
Checking out – are we sowing the seeds of our own dementia?
Is dementia where we check out so much that we cannot check back in again? Doug shares how he found his way back to vitality and a clear mind.
Esoteric Yoga Audio
Yoga is about union and connection and not about a series of movement as is widely believed these days. Find out more with a collection of free audios and quotes.
What is convalescence?
Convalescence conveys much more than simple physical recovery. It offers us an opportunity to reflect on where we are it as well as the opportunity to care deeply for our body and being.
Natural fertility awareness – the marvels of cervical mucus that every woman should know !
This article explores the marvels of the cervical mucus cycle ... a part of the menstrual cycle that tends to go unnoticed. Whether a woman is trying to conceive or not, knowing her cervical mucus is a great way to understand more about her body and her fertility.
Surviving university
A discussion of how universities operate and how this impacts students. Some pointers for students on how to self-care and organise their study responsibly.
Exhaustion a modern day plague
For our June 2015 Audio of the Month we have chosen to look at Exhaustion a modern day plague. Why are so many of us sick and exhausted when we are naturally made to work joyfully 12 to 15 hours a day?
Developing Conscious Presence Gentle Breath Meditation®
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2015
Since inauguration we have called these communications the ‘New Year’s Message’. However the author is well aware that there is no real ‘new year’ rather that it is in fact another round of the mechanistic cycle we unalterably belong to.
Serge Benhayon – The Author
These books in this ever-expanding series cover a wide range of topics, based on the Ageless Wisdom and relevant to how human life plays out on a daily basis.
A day with Serge Benhayon
What stands out spending any amount of time with Serge Benhayon is the endless supply of energy this man has to draw from.
Depression (a reframe)
This article presents the possibility that we might be depressed because we are seeing the truth of what is happening in the world. Perhaps others are not choosing to feel it and are therefore not depressed by it. Is it better to feel it or not?
Self-acceptance and appreciation bring true presence
Why live a life holding back the true me? Carmel Reid shares her journey towards living life in ways that she hadn’t imagined inspired by a Reading from Serge Benhayon.
Natural sugar vs refined sugar
The difference between digesting natural sugar and the sugar tsunami effect of refined sugar explains mood swings and why we feel hungry even when our clothes are getting tighter.
What is gluten?
With many people now asking “What is gluten?” this article explains what gluten is and outlines how our bodies can react to it.
What are illness and disease?
What are illness and disease? Where do they come from? Is it possible that illness and disease do not come from outside us, but from the choices we ourselves make?
Insomnia – my sleep disorder or my daily dis-order?
Insomnia – having trouble sleeping? This article asks us to consider our relationship between the way we live our day and the effect that has on our sleep.
Who would we be without dieting?
We’ve created lives based on dieting to look good instead of feeling good and choosing to eat for nourishment alone. Dieting, to our detriment, has become normalised.
Diets don't work
It is shocking but true – diets don’t work, they make you fatter. If we want to lose weight we need a different approach – let go of dieting forever and start connecting.