The fragility within self-empowerment
As women we don’t usually associate fragility with self-love, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment, but have we been on the wrong track for so long that we’ve lost sight of what it really means to feel our fragility?
The Cathars
The Cathars – who were they? Far from being an errant branch of Christianity, the Cathars represented the true, Universal, one religion, which has been represented by every world teacher and true master throughout the ages.
Alice Anne Bailey
Alice A. Bailey gradually established a working relationship with the Ascended Master who eventually became known to her as DK or Djwhal Khul; together they inaugurated what DK called the intermediate phase of a greater plan.
Are we trading sex for love?
We live in a society where sex is often used as a measure of our worth and proof that we are loved. But if it was as straightforward as that, why are so many people in romantic relationships feeling empty and loveless?
The childbirth journey: From poor mental health to enjoying fatherhood
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly common amongst men in the perinatal period. What are some of the factors that add pressure on new fathers, and how can things be turned around?
Shakespeare’s King Lear: King Liar and the tyranny of ‘elsewhere conscious presence’
Shakespeare’s King Lear exposes the extent of our society’s daily brutality, to which most of us have elected to turn a blind eye. And he honours the presence in those few who consistently live the truth we all know but have largely abandoned. Why do we do it?
Women’s health: let’s talk more about our monthly period and endometriosis! – part 2
Women’s monthly period and any associated period and other reproductive problems are accepted as part of the menstrual cycle with little consideration given to why so many women struggle with this aspect of their health and wellbeing.
Joining the dots between maternal and infant mental health
Motherhood is a time of great change. How can women best manage their mental health for the sake of themselves and their infant?
When work hurts
Emotional hurts at work happen every day, but what harm are they really doing to everyone in the workplace, and how can that sometimes hidden protagonist be uncovered and healed?
Back pain – what can I do?
Have you ever suffered from back pain? It is one of the commonest conditions experienced by people and is a major cause of suffering and sick leave.
Unplanned Caesarean birth – failure or opportunity?
Feelings of failure may be present after an unplanned caesarean birth and this ‘silent suffering’ is openly addressed here with a fresh and open perspective.
Learning to breathe my own breath again
When you are out of rhythm and breathing does not happen automatically, when you catch yourself repeatedly either holding your breath or breathing very flatly, what do you do?
The Ring – Part 1: Our fascination with weddings and rings
This four part series explores our expensive and cruel fascination with rings, weddings and the pressure, status and emotional security behind the sparkle.
Heart disease – is it all about love?
Facts and causes of heart disease and what you can do to help yourself.
Your body and disease – what does it all mean?
Is there more to disease and illness than we allow ourselves to see? Could it be possible that there are deeper reasons for it happening?
Tiptoeing around the truth
What could be moving a child to walk in a way that society decrees to be abnormal? What could possibly be under their feet that they do not want to feel?
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?
Embracing being the black sheep of the family
The stigma of being the black sheep in the family is debilitating for many people right around the world – but is there another way to consider what this tag is really representative of to everyone around them?
Our body is our guide
Have we ever stopped to wonder why there is so much emphasis on the way our body looks, when it is only one small aspect of ourselves?
Our worldwide epidemic of loneliness and social isolation
It is no wonder we have societies around the world feeling lonely when we live a life disconnected to God and to ourselves.