What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
If the issue was not your parents what was it?
Serge Benhayon brings an understanding to how energy plays a bigger part in our lives and behaviours than we realise in this revelatory Audio of the Month for June 2024.
It’s in the way he moves
The Ageless Wisdom presents that the quality of our movement affects the quality of our being. Recently, Joel Levin embarked on a journey – Sacred Movement – to put this wise old adage to the test…
Natalie Benhayon Biography
A summary of Natalie Benhayon's life and endeavours.
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Motherless mothers – finding our way back to wholeness and love
Explores the deep grief women carry when they don’t have a mother and how mothering from within can heal this.
Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness – volume III
Only a lived way delivers the truth we so desperately need. For inspiration and insight, here are 717 pages of lived wisdom; keep on reading …
Nominating leads to wisdom
In this New Year Audio of the Month for January 2022, Serge Benhayon presents on our ability to take stock and the power of nomination.
Give me my treats!
Do you find yourself hanging out for your treat to eat or drink and react when someone or something gets in your way?
Stillness and its connection to healing
The quality of stillness and its relationship to cancer and chemotherapy; what is the link and how does stillness work to support the body through illness?
The ‘perfect’ birth … or the perfect birth for you?
Is there a perfect birth, or is it truly about having the perfect birth for you? Explore the myths we have grown up with and see the multifaceted aspects of birth that impact us all.
Cancer – why me?
Why do I have cancer? A common question that medicine has not been able to answer. Could the answer require understanding who we truly are?
Having a breast scan – what is it like?
Clinically, having a breast scan is a straightforward exercise but all those breasts are attached to women and the many lives they are part of, so what it is really like?
The harm of nervous system based intelligence
In our Audio of the Month for May 2024 Serge Benhayon provides a simple explanation on how we set ourselves up to interpret life a certain way through our nervous system and its impact on us.
The corruption of true female empowerment
Women work so hard to live up to all the expectations placed on them, yet it isn’t working. What are we all missing here when it comes to the true empowerment of women?
“Why did you stay?” An insight into abuse
A revealingly honest interview examining the justification for blurring the lines between love and abuse.
The deadly danger of words - should we be licensed to speak?
Sticks and stones can only break your bones, but words can kill and destroy billions of people. Do we need a license to speak?
Healing from birth trauma
The rates of birth trauma are growing worldwide and the alarm bells are ringing loudly. What then is needed for true healing?