Audio of the Month
Knowing yourself by your quality first
In our August 2016 Audio of the Month Natalie Benhayon presents the importance of knowing yourself first by the quality you hold within and how moving with this quality allows you to know what to do.
The gift of expressing from our essence
Our July 2016 Audio of the Month presents the gift and unique qualities of expressing from our essence.
The forever student
In our June 2016 Audio of the Month Serge presents how truly understanding that we are forever learning allows us to enjoy the process without seeking perfection.
The truth about our reality
Our Audio of the Month for April 2016 presents how we allow our emotions to create our reality.
The ultimate commitment to life!
There are many reflective messages we receive every day in life, and in particular from nature. There is a lot we can learn by observing and appreciating the unique traits of the animal kingdom as we marvel at penguins in our March audio of the Month.
Living harmoniously with your partner 24/7
Our February 2016 Audio of the month looks at what really goes on in our relationships and why so many have trouble living harmoniously 24/7 with each other.
Something is not Right
Our January Audio of the Month poses a great question to take us into 2016. Our body does not lie and is clearly telling us something is very wrong – so why are we not listening or asking the right questions?
How men and women avoid being the love that they are
Our Audio of the month for December 2015 is a revelatory presentation on how and why we avoid the love that we already are and seek love instead outside ourselves.
Why we should not hide in comfort
For our November 2015 Audio of the month we have chosen an audio that reveals how we as human beings crave comfort and how that comfort keeps us from understanding the truth of what is going on in the world.
What exactly is the Livingness?
For our October 2015 Audio of the month, we look at what the Livingness is and what it has to do with our daily life.