A Tour of Unimed Living

A Tour of Unimed Living

To help you get to know the site, we’ve put a short tour together. This simple video details various ways you can navigate the site’s pages and how everything works.

If you would like to learn more you can read on and discover more details below. Or for a more in-depth look at the origin of the site you can read this introduction.

Our content is produced by groups of people from all around the world, collaborating to write about the simple changes they have made to their lives. They all have been inspired by the presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon, and have become students of Universal Medicine. There are currently 200+ articles online with many more to come.

As the site developed people formed groups based on the topics they felt to write about. These groups became known as spheres and touch on many major areas of life, such as women's and men’s health, exercise, relationships and how we are at work. Today there are 19 spheres, with plans in place for more.

Each sphere has its own colour and logo. The logos were inspired by the stick figures Serge Benhayon draws on the white board when he is presenting, You can choose a sphere by clicking on the MENU button in the top right hand corner of every page.

To help people navigate the site, we’ve put our content into categories. Where a subject or area calls for it, we’ve included sub-categories as well. You can see these categories listed out on the left hand of most pages. Clicking on one of the categories will take you to its own page.

At the top you will often see a short piece of text that describes what that category is about. If you click on the Find Out More button it will expand to show you the full text.

The site is made up of amazing articles, written in collaboration by teams of writers, based on their experiences. Many include audio files, quotes and more and more videos related to the content. At the bottom there are buttons to share articles using social media and take you to the next article.

On the right hand side of the page, related articles and just published articles are displayed.

The site features videos shot and produced by the team at Unimed Living, as well as videos from our sister sites, and a select few from around the world that we feel contribute to the conversation we’re having. You can see the videos we have produced online at our Vimeo channel.

The site is full of exceptional audio excerpts, all of which are free to download. On every audio player there is a link in the bottom right hand corner, clicking this will download the audio to your device. For more on audio visit the dedicated Voice sphere.

Like most sites we offer the facility to search the whole site. You can do this by typing your search term in the search bar at the top of every page.

On the search page you can alter your search by typing in the grey panel that goes across the top. You can also sort results by sphere, popularity or publishing date.

The homepage provides an overview of everything that is taking place on Unimed Living. At the top you can see The Editor's Pick - a recent article we feel to highlight. Underneath you will find the spheres. Clicking on a Sphere's icon will take you to its page.

In the middle of the home page, articles that have just been published are listed. By clicking on the buttons directly to the right, you can see fresh recipes, free meditations, the latest videos and further information about Unimed Living.

At the bottom you will find our most popular articles, links to audio highlights, upcoming events and recommended articles. There is also a list of related sites for you to explore.

You are able to access the home page from any page on the site, by clicking the Unimed Living logo in the top left corner.

Unimed Living is active on all major social networks and we invite you to get in touch and follow us. To visit our pages on these platforms click the buttons at the foot of the page.

We also send out a regular email newsletter. To subscribe enter your email address in the field in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. We will not use your address for marketing purposes, and you can unsubscribe at any time should you feel to.