As we grow up we learn about life from those around us and our understanding of food is one such example. The way in which we relate to food has a ripple effect that influences others and the world around us. Is it possible that our need for a quick fix to our exhaustion has led to the booming sugar and carbohydrate industry? Is it possible that by exploring how we use food in life, if we were to change the paradigms of using food to numb and squash our awareness, could we change the culture of food?
Food Culture
Educated food choices – become your own physician!
When it comes to nutrition, our medical professionals are largely uneducated. Most in the health industry know little about food, food choices and energetic responsibility.
Dreams of Pad Thai
Are you fantasising about lunch at 10am? There might be more to it than you realise!
Why do we eat what we eat?
What we eat, and why and when we eat, has another dimension than what is presented in the cooking shows and enticing packaging in the supermarket aisle.
FOOD, but is it glorious?
The many myths and customs surrounding food and what apparently is and is not good for us amount to quite an impressive list.
Food and conscious presence
In the midst of an avalanche of health advice, there is an aspect to our diet that hasn’t gotten quite so much light: the actual way that we eat.
The stomach is the centre of individuality
Before the supply there is the demand and the food industry bends over backwards to please, satiate and pre-empt the next wave of our gargantuan appetites – but how do our bodies handle what we impetuously demand?
Food porn
Food porn – an innocent photo or an indulgence that is desire and fantasy
Give me my treats!
Do you find yourself hanging out for your treat to eat or drink and react when someone or something gets in your way?
Shopping in the humble backyard
Vast tracts of land grow drugs or spew contaminants into the atmosphere, yet the humble backyard lies dormant, at the ready to feed us the kind of quality food no big business can.
Food, love and self-love – confessions of the good doctor!
A doctor shares her growing understanding of food hangovers and the effect of choosing love over abusive food choices. It is not just alcohol that contributes to hangovers!