The appreciation of my body’s wisdom through Esoteric Yoga

Bianca Barban shares her appreciation of her body’s wisdom that she has discovered through the simplicity and gentleness of Esoteric Yoga.

The appreciation of my body’s wisdom through Esoteric Yoga

Attending a six weeks Esoteric Yoga course was a beautiful way to observe the patterns and behaviours that can play havoc with my life.

This modality brings such an amazing depth of stillness and awareness to the body through the simplicity of moving with conscious presence – or moving with body and mind together.

Attending an Esoteric Yoga class is like receiving a gift – the gift of me. There are no awkward, hard poses, only super gentle movements completed lovingly that support me to deeply feel my body.

Never before in a yoga class had I been asked to move with such love and delicateness. All other types of yoga I had tried were devoid of tenderness and felt to be about pushing myself to achieve a certain posture with the aim of bringing relief to the body.

In these other yogas I felt like I was avoiding how my body truly felt instead of accepting what my body was “showing” me through the language of pain, raciness or tiredness, etc. The simplicity of Esoteric yoga allows for the awareness of how I am living to be revealed as there are no distractions with poses, simply an opportunity for the mind and the body to re-connect and be one.

Each Esoteric Yoga class supports me to appreciate my body and its wisdom, to bring acceptance to how I am feeling and gives me the freedom to choose to bring a deeper level of love and nurturing to my everyday life. Esoteric Yoga supports me to deepen my relationship with me and honour the absolute preciousness I am.