Are we killing ourselves with food?
We are tantalised, stuffed and satiated to the point where it simply isn’t working! So what is it about our relationship with food that has become so complicated?
Why do we overeat?
Do you ever overeat when lonely … as a reward after a challenging day … or for comfort? Here is an insightful exploration into why we overeat.
As men we often like to see ourselves as being indestructible, that we do not need to care for ourselves. But is this ideal stopping us from living to our potential?
Are you fit for life? Part 1
What does your fitness level mean to you on a daily basis? Are you actually fit for life? Is there another form of fitness we have yet to discover?
Popular romance and true intimacy in a relationship
How popularized romantic beliefs and ideals work against true intimacy. Ideals and beliefs are mental constructs, true intimacy is in and felt through your body.
Serge Benhayon on fitness, physical exercise and the gentle breath
Serge works 16-18 hours a day and with retirement not holding a single breath of intention he maintains that 'in order to serve in life we must be fit for life'.
The dieting misery-go-round
How much is dieting like being on an endless merry go round? To take weight off with a diet and then put it back on ... and round and round it goes ...
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
Serge Benhayon – restoring truth to the term teacher
I was so entrenched in the game of ‘the teacher is more, I am less’, yet Serge Benhayon was having none of it, standing ‘with’ you as an equal and accepting nothing less of you; he did not and does not play that game.
Serge Benhayon – the universal man
Serge Benhayon is a Universal Man – What does this mean? How does a man with no tertiary education be an expert on science, philosophy, religion and medicine to name a few? Find out in this article how Serge Benhayon truly represents what it is to live universally and be a Universal Man.
Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!
Serge Benhayon inspiring others to connect back to themselves.
Nursing, me and Serge Benhayon
A mini-story, presenting how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired the development of self-care and has made the transition to full-time work joyful.
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Communicating with your Healing/Medical Practitioner
In this humorous and enlightening video, Doctor Sam Kim gently broaches the subject of body awareness and doctor/patient communication.
Before and after: Sharon Gavioli
I am a beautiful, sexy, vital and healthy woman deeply connected to the love in my heart. Each day I choose to self-care and self-nurture in a way that enables me to offer true care and love to everyone in my life. But I didn’t always live this way.
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Relationship Groups, Presentations And Workshops
Relationship Groups, Presentations and Workshops offered by Universal Medicine
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
The Livingness Workshops
An introduction to the 3 one-day events that form The Livingness Workshops.
Before and after: Angela Perin
At the age of 48, I am feeling more beautiful, sexier and more comfortable in my body than I have ever felt thanks to The Way of The Livingness.