Serge Benhayon
Testimonials about Serge Benhayon
What I love about Serge Benhayon
"I have never seen anyone else be quite this transparent and open with everyone they meet," says Kristy Wood. "When Serge Benhayon meets someone he gives them everything – it is like they are a dearly loved family member."
The fall of ‘quality’, the rise of a Quality
Quality as a sense is disappearing all around us. The diminishment of excellence or distinctiveness is just a starting point. Serge Benhayon never needs a capital ‘Q’ to announce quality and equality – he lives it.
Serge Benhayon – the universal man
Serge Benhayon is a Universal Man – What does this mean? How does a man with no tertiary education be an expert on science, philosophy, religion and medicine to name a few? Find out in this article how Serge Benhayon truly represents what it is to live universally and be a Universal Man.
Serge Benhayon – a shepherd of light
Some people walk into your life, and without doing anything other than being themselves, with the ability to uplift and inspire you to transform your life. Serge Benhayon is one such person for me.
A modern day miracle
Being met by Serge Benhayon transforms an entire family who were spiralling down the road to self destruction
Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – changing the way we understand life
There are very few of us who truly question the way life is, and fewer still that act according to what we feel. Serge Benhayon, by living example, has changed the pennyweight by which we gauge what life is all about.
Serge Who?
Serge Benhayon has shown me how to truly love and to live my life in my truth of who I really am
A life turned around
My life was a freight train of momentum of dysfunction, and it was brought to a halt by observing one man. Serge’s words resonated with the energy that comes from living your truth and walking your talk.
Serge Benhayon – a beacon of light
Serge Benhayon has a relationship with the truth that is unwavering in its commitment and is truly inspiring.
Serge Benhayon – the inspiration
Deeply Inspired by Serge Benhayon's amazing generosity.