Making loving choices: the intelligence of the heart
A video clip of Psychotherapist Jean Gamble presenting on how anxiety restricts access to the heartspace at the 2013 Psychological Wellbeing Conference.
Starting the conversation on men’s health video
Builder Adam Warburton talks about how as men we can start the conversation on how to start taking more responsibility for our own state of health
An introduction to Our Cycles for men
Men have cycles too, hear about the ideals and beliefs that men are often confronted with and how if they connected to the physicality of their bodies they could increase their awareness of what is truly going on for them.
About the Our Cycles App
Hear about Natalie’s intention in creating the revolutionary Our Cycles App Period and Full Moon Diary and how knowing your cycle and tracking it in detail is personal to each and every man and woman and can support true balance.
The importance of self-responsibility
Tanya Curtis offers that when our focus as mental health professionals shifts to a foundation of self responsibility, then we will be able to impact positively on our clients psychological wellbeing.
Just Take the Picture - Music Video (Official) - Michael Benhayon
From the album 'Our Everlasting Love' by Michael Benhayon of Glorious Music, watch and take a picture from your heart.
Music videos, Musicians, Music, Well-being, Self-worth, Empowerment, Expression
Touring the world as a musician
After touring the world for 9 summers back to back, musician Simon Asquith realises that life as a musician is not all it’s cracked up to be - there is definitely more to life and to music.
Just Take The Picture
A fun, young music clip that was co-produced by Natalie with Glorious Music.