When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?
Every interaction is a relationship that has the potential for learning and revitalising, so how do we bring the responsibility and invaluable truth of this into our most intimate relationships to keep them from stagnating?
Understanding – is this the key to sharing our greatest form of Love?
Serge Benhayon shares with us the value of truly being able to understand other people without any judgment. The impact and affect on our relationships of true understanding is transformative beyond anything we can imagine and is the gateway to true Love. Understanding is the greatest form of Love.
Abuse, Couples therapy, Relationships, Relationship problems
Sounds of Soul – 'Hold Myself' song review
A song and music video review of 'Hold Myself' by Melbourne music collective Sounds of Soul that offers the listener the level of delicate intimacy that can support them in their day.
How do you have communication without reaction?
When conflict happens in our relationship are we able to express how we are feeling in moments of potential confrontation?
Communication, Conflict, Love, Connection, Relationships, Tension
Michael Benhayon, Glorious Music – interview part 2
Michael Benhayon of Glorious Music shares his approach to producing music, his awareness and commitment to the energetic quality of music, and how his working life and his music are inextricably linked.
Musicians, Productivity, Role models, Energy in music, Music, Harmony, Music videos
Serge Benhayon on medicine
Is there a Universal form of medicine that is available to us all?
Understanding in relationships – how judgement contributes to abuse
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about judgement and abuse and how understanding in relationships is the greatest form of Love we can share.
Relationships - why we should come clean about our deepest hurts
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about how toughening up and protecting ourselves from hurt is trampling our delicate nature.