Topic:Men's health SEE ALL TOPICS
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
Are they men’s health magazines, or just more toxic masculinity?
Magazines on men’s health are pushing an unhealthy lifestyle whist doing nothing to address what is really going on with men’s health.
The song of man
Can a man change his tune from songs of self-rejection to a more truly self-loving melody? Worth exploring…
Sensitivity – are men risking their health by dismissing their greatest strength?
A man living his true nature, what does that mean, and within this, is there room for the word sensitive. Time for a change in our approach to men’s health that embraces the underrated S word.
Men's health – Starting the conversation
As men, we are constantly bombarded by a society that is always telling us what a real man is, that a real man has it all together. But men’s health statistics paint a different picture.
Starting the conversation on Men's health
Adam Warburton shares on the importance of hosting two men’s conferences in Lennox Head NSW and Brisbane QLD Australia in 2014.
Erectile dysfunction: Getting to the heart of the matter
Medical studies have shown a direct link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, but why? Is there something more to how we have commonly viewed this condition?
Captain of our Titanic – A deeper look at what is killing men
Men have been the so-called 'dominant' gender for a long time, and yet at the same time suicide and heart disease are the leading causes of death. What is going on that leads so many men to take their own lives or die of a broken heart?
A simple experiment – a huge fact
Heart Disease is the number 1 killer for men, and stress is attributed as being one of its greatest contributors. But what is underneath our stress, and is it perhaps more self-induced than we realise? Otto Bathhurst undertakes a most interesting experiment.
The lifestyle bubble and the curse upon men
Serge Benhayon first introduced the lifestyle bubble in 2012. What is it, and what has it to do with connecting to the heart of the everyman?
Competition, Depression, Lifestyle, Men's health, Anxiety, Tenderness
How to check for signs of testicular cancer
In this humorous video from an International Men’s Day Presentation, Doctor Sam Kim grabs hold of a lemon and a stocking, and teaches us how to self-check for testicular conditions.
Cancer, Men's health, Well-being, Health conditions, Fertility
Boys don’t cry: men in crisis
Why does it take so long for a man to see a doctor? Men are in crisis, dying before their time and the trend is increasing. Dean Pirera explores why men are so poor at looking after themselves.
Chronic discomforts – the relationship between men’s bodies and their daily choices
As men we have become used to living with daily pain. But should this be normal, is there a different way, and is our body telling us more than we think?
Mirror, mirror
Do you need to change the way you look to fit into a social group or workplace? Or is there more to what you see in the mirror?
Men and abuse – let’s have the conversation
Men have had a long history of being associated with abuse, but can we have a mature conversation about why this might be and how we might be able to change it?
Brotherhood, Bullying, Domestic violence, Healthy relationships, Men's health
Sticks & stones…words will never hurt me
Bullying, verbal banter and verbal abuse is something that as men we experience frequently from young and yet it is rarely spoken about. In fact it is considered a rite of passage and normal male behaviour.
Watching sport
Is watching sport harmless and ‘just a bit of fun’? Or is something more harming going on?